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Monday 4 July 2011

John Yudkin

"Since 1957 he showed that the consumption of sugar and refined sweeteners is closely associated with CHD and type two diabetes. Studies he conducted on sugars and starches indicated that they raised blood triglycerides  and  insulin levels. He became internationally famous with his book Pure, White and Deadly (published in 1972), which was also published in German, and in a Swedish translation."

Over 50 years on and diabetics are still being told to base their diet on sugar/starch. This is the reason for the grim statistics posted on this blog. Over 3 years on I am still waiting for an answer to this question, how do I hold non diabetic numbers other than lowcarb ?


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Heh, low carb is the only answer man.

Keep pushing this.

Keep on doing what we're all doing.
